
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Gulliver's Travels Review

Okay, so I've just finished Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift.  I actually really enjoyed it!  However, anyone who's considering reading this should be forewarned of a couple things!

This book was written in 1726, and it's a very complex political allegory.  That doesn't mean it's inaccessible, but if you want to read this, you should be aware that it's just complicated as freaking heck.  I mean, if any of us were born in eighteenth-century Britain, I'm sure we wouldn't have a problem! xD  But sadly, I find the population of that description much depleted.  Just by a little. xD

Anyways, so unless you have a thorough understanding of eighteenth-century Britain and the political situations that were going down at that time, you're going to need a very well annotated version!  Barnes & Noble classics are always good - they give you the bare necessities in footnotes, and if you need more by the end (like me) you can always go back and read the introduction you inevitably skipped out on at the beginning.

Despite not being "in" on all the cracks Swift was making at people left and right, I still thoroughly this book!  To be honest, I don't think you could call the plot thrilling - it was, of course, written from the point of view of the fictional character, Capt. Gulliver, as if it were Gulliver's accounts of his travels upon his final return.  The style is very matter-of-fact, and it mostly gives a very precise account of what occurred during Gulliver's "travels."  So if you're not used to that sort of style, that would definitely be a drawback, and you might want to forgo reading this one. xD  But really, it is a good book, even if it is too complex for the common man to understand! xD

Okay, so next up is Arabian Nights!  I hope these reviews are helpful!

Monday, February 21, 2011

A Choice: Society or God?

Nowadays, there's only a certain belief system you've got to follow.  If you don't follow it, society won't only condemn you as ignorant and contemptibly old-fashioned, but heartless, narrow-minded, hateful, judgmental, stubborn, arrogant, and/or an inhibitor of progress.  These are only some of the qualities that may be assigned to you if you depart from the belief system that's generally accepted today.

To be considered one of the "moral" and "upright" people in society today, you must (1) Not only accept all those who are homosexual unequivocally, but also believe in the strong morality of homosexuality, such that you would be one if only you were "born" that way, (2) In the serious nature and existence of global warming as well as the strong necessity to reverse it (which, even granting its existence, doesn't by any means imply human causation of the effects, and without that assurance the idea of reversing it is laughable) and (though this isn't nearly as bad as the others) (3) Evolution is real and all the physical evidence supports it, so anyone against it is just believing in unproven fantasies.

Honestly, under normal circumstances I wouldn't care what the heck people thought was a good opinion and what wasn't, except that now you see Christians trying to reconcile what society says they should think with what Christianity (or, more accurately, God) says they should think.  Well, I've got something to say to you!  If you have to adjust your Christian beliefs to conform to society's expectations of you, you've got your priorities all mixed up!!  GOD should be your priority - it doesn't matter what other people think!  People who are trying to conform to society's expectations of them are boarding a sinking ship!!

The fact is, if you're doing that already, later you're going to have major problems!!  It's going to get hard, people are going to think we're altogether horrible people for being the way we are.  It's okay.  But we've got to stand strong.  Honestly, until a couple of weeks ago I used to inwardly sigh and roll my eyes when people have said "the end times are coming fast, they're almost here."  I thought, "Wow, they've only been saying that every century for the past 21 centuries!!"  Seriously, though.  God woke me up, and he really shook me up in the process!  It is coming soon.  Whether it'll be in my lifetime, I don't know!  However, I know it's coming, and I think it'll be here within a few generations at most.

I just look around me, and I see so many Christians trying so hard to live up to society's expectations of them, but that priority has got to go!  You'd best kill it completely, because if you keep reconciling your beliefs with society's skewed view of morality, you're going to find yourself in a trap.  As society's morals get more and more skewed, and their opinions more and more reprehensible, you're going to have to make a farther leap to get to a point where they won't toss you aside as ignorant or narrow-minded.  However, they'll be just tiny baby steps.  You'll just take one little one so they won't reject you, and then one small other one when the time comes, and another one.  Soon enough you'll be across the street, with God waving at you from a distance and a bus passing between you.  Please don't let that happen to you!!  You have to be willing to take some disgusting junk for God!  I mean, for now it's easy.  People are just like, "Oh, please.  You believe that?  Psh."  Later it will be much worse.  Don't be afraid.  God has his expectations of you too, and if to keep up with them you have to be hated, disdained, mocked, laughed at, or even physically beaten, you have to be willing to do it!!  The worst anyone can do to you is give you death.  They give you death and you gain the world.  They are powerless.  The end.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I'm sorry, I've had a lot to write about the last couple of weeks, but I haven't had much time to actually write about it. xD  So here's what's on my mind now!! xD

I just made it through part of MSNBC.com's intervew with Ms.I'm-the-first-first-lady-who's-actually-ridiculous-enough-to-become-a-fashion-icon and my opinion of her just completely died.  Admittedly, I didn't have an opinion about her before because I don't give a rats hindparts about her, but now I absolutely have no respect for her whatsoever.

During the interview (and I didn't watch much of it, I skipped through the beginning junk about Egypt and on to the interesting questions) the man questioning her asks her if Obama has changed at all during the two years since he became president.  Her answer: no.

This answer is a bunch of hog vomit for a very clear, indisputable reason: there is not a single person on this freaking earth that goes a full two years without changing.  Period.  If this goes for a normal person who's just moseying their way through life (and it does) it goes for some idiotic guy that's become president during that time as well.  If you're going to lie, you might as well buck up and do it well, saying he's changed for the better or some junk like that.  But she doesn't even know how to lie.  She's spewing out this nonsense that anyone with half a brain can perceive as false.

And honestly?  Do you really think we're that stupid?  All you have to do is look at a picture of him then and another now!! xD  Seriously!!  I'll do it for you!!!  *ahem*

Obama then (January 2009):

Obama now:

If you want to see the pictures I could have picked that are worse, here they are:  1, 2, & 3.  Doesn't he just look like his eyes are sunken in, almost like he has some sort of terminal cancer??  You can't tell me that man's the exact same as he was before. xD  I'm not buying it!! xD  And that's just the first recent one I found, there are a ton worse than this one!  Now, I'm not saying he's worse than before.  He just looks plain freaking unhealthy, and despite how much I disagree with him, I do feel sorry for him!! xD  But he needs to not lie, and his wife needs to stop lying, too!  You know, you'll get a lot more out of the American people if you tell them the freaking truth.  For the most part, they can tell when you're lying to them.  Honestly. xD  I can't freaking stand the man.  You've got to be a snake and sit there saying "oh, the American people'll get it soon," etc. when you are in the very act of trying to flatter them into your opinion!!  Rat!!