Alright, so I learned a new word today. xD It's exiguous. xD It means "scanty, meager, small, slender" (quoted from xD I think that's one of the weirdest words I've seen so far. xD That's going on my list of strange nearly-useless words along with palmiped. xD
Anyways, so I guess I'm gonna sort of pick up where I left off... at 1:30 in the morning. xD Yes, the time thing lies... I can't figure out how to change it, which is sort of good so that way the dates aren't messed up and I can really say I posted one per day and never missed one.. xD Hopefully! If all continues to go according to plan. xD I have so much freaking work it's unbelievable... so much reading. But yeah, I'll get over it. Moving on!
So as I was saying, I noticed some symbolism in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets that I hadn't noticed before! xD This just makes me excited. Muhahaha! xD
Yep, so obviously I explained to you (whoever you ominous yous are) yesterday the symbolism with the snakes and old Voldie being Satan and whatnot. If you've seen the Harry Potter movies, and in particular the second one, you'll hopefully be familiar with the plotline. If not, I'll do my best to explain it to you, in connection with the symbolism.
Now, if you've noticed Voldemort shows up to reap destruction on people in many different forms. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, this form just so happens to be the seemingly innocent schoolboy, Tom Riddle, who comes out of a diary initially to kill all the Muggle borns. xD
Okay, so the unsuspecting Ginny gets ahold of the diary. She's clearly going through puberty and has nobody but a bunch of unsympathetic older brothers to talk to. That kind of stinks, doesn't it? Not for long! She finds the diary and life just gets better. She has a friend to talk to - all she has to do is write in the diary and Tom Riddle writes back. He's very understanding of all her problems, and really helps relieve the stress by being there to listen. He's an absolute godsend - or is he?
Weird things start happening to Ginny. Things are written on the wall and she has paint all over her. Hagrad's chickens are killed and she has feathers all over her... she's starting to look very guilty. It may have taken a while, but she finally realizes that she's gotten herself in immense trouble. What seemed so right before isn't right at all!
She tries to get rid of it, of course. She attempts to flush it down a toilet, which doesn't really work at all. Next thing she knows a friend has it... Harry Potter. "Well, that's not right!" she thinks, "That's a horrible thing, Harry shouldn't have that!" She couldn't know that Harry was using it for a good cause. So naturally, she steals it back. Except this time she's in over her head. Well, again. She's taken miles underground where her once-pretend-friend Tom Riddle drinks her soul to gain power. Or something along those lines anyway. If you didn't read my last blog, you are now permitted to look at the title. And it's our beloved Harry himself who has to save her in the end. Does this sound like anything to you? Maybe I should make this painfully clear.
This is meant to show how Satan, who comes in many forms, can appear quite innocent. He may simply wave to you as you spit on your neighbor's lawn in disdain or give you a hug as you satisfy your pride with a sharp retort. Besides that's not such a bad thing to do, is it? At times, Satan can feel like quite a friend. But in the end, he never is. In the end he'll lead you on a severely unpleasant journey that only Jesus himself can save you from.
Now, I understand how some people may think that this proposal is positively ridiculous, but it's not! I didn't just pull this out of a hat. I first noticed the Christian symbolism in the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One. I tried to explain what I thought I saw to my family on the way back from the movie theater, and as they were, understandably, skeptical, I looked it up when I got back, hoping I could be right.
There is, in fact, an article that not only cites a book by a man who has written several books on the Christian symbolism behind Harry Potter, but also quotes J.K. Rowling. When asked if she was a Christian, she responded: "Yes I am. Which seems to offend the religious right far worse than if I said I thought there was no God. Every time I've been asked if I believe in God, I've said yes, because I do, but no one ever really has gone any more deeply into it than that, and I have to say that does suit me, because if I talk too freely about that I think the intelligent reader, whether 10 or 60, will be able to guess what's coming in the books."
Again, I'm not making this up! I haven't yet read the books by John Granger (that would be the man I mentioned earlier) explaining his findings as far as the Christian symbolism in Harry Potter, but I would like to eventually. First, though, I want to read all the Harry Potter books and see how much I can find for myself. Then I'll read his to see how much of my ideas corresponds to his, how much I missed, and even if (who knows) I found something that he missed! Hey, it could happen!
Besides, I am kind of disappointed in the way Christians treat Harry Potter, and particularly the fact that J.K. Rowling says people seem to be upset about the fact that she's a Christian. Honestly, you should never be upset about anyone being a Christian, period. I don't care if you disagree with the ideas you think they're promoting. I don't care if you think they're a lying cow. You need to shove it up your backside, if you want an honest answer. There is nothing you can do that should cause you to be more ashamed of yourself than to desire that somebody go to hell.
Even if you disagree with the way J.K. Rowling has chosen to get her Christian principles across, it's irrelevant. At least she's getting them across. And if you think that this whole thing I've been shoving down your throat is a bunch of nonsense, that's fine. But you have to admit, the entire Christian faith is about taking something evil (i.e. human beings) and making them good. Even if you think Harry Potter is somehow inherently evil, I really hope you don't think your God is so small that He can't make it something truly powerful for Him.
That's why I've spent so much time trying to make what I feel about the symbolism clear. I really think it's something real, and it's being kept so horrifically in the closet! I want people to know about this! It can't do any good if nobody knows about it!
So yeah. Sorry if I seem kind of uppity throughout this blog. xD I've had an interesting but awesome day. xD Ha, see you tomorrow, I have no idea what I'm going to talk about!!
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